


Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects

Added by Brian Terlson over 16 years ago

I think pretty much every small or agile team spends a lot of time asking teammates what they're doing, what they're thinking about doing, and etc. I know my team is among those. Twitter is great because it's an easy way to share small bits of information, but it's too public for a lot of uses. So, I've created a Redmine plugin that allows users to send little status updates about what they're up to.

You can find the plugin over at github:

I've attached a screenshot so you can get an idea of what I'm yammering about.

Now this plugin is, as far as I know, in a useable state. There are, however, lots of things I would like to get done in the future. A short list:

  • More documentation, polish, and code robustness.
  • Reference commits, tickets, and wiki pages.
  • An API to facilitate external clients updating project status (eg. a command line tool - redmine-status project_name "About to get started on refactoring my work from last night")
  • Status updates from email, etc.
  • Pagination of status updates (currently just shows most recent 100).

But anyway, have fun! Feel free to fork or offer suggestions :)

Replies (47)

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago

Looks awesome, I'll have to try it out. Will you take patches via GitHub?


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Shane Pearlman over 16 years ago

does look cool. so how hard would it be to be able to text to it or aim into it?


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson over 16 years ago

Eric Hulser, absolutely. Probably the easiest way.

Shane Pearlman, depends on how you define hard. It'd be a significant chunk of work, but I think someone dedicated to the cause could hammer it out without much issue.

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Shane Pearlman over 16 years ago

lol - let me restate that. will you be doing that any time soon?


RE: RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson over 16 years ago

It's probably the last priority (for me) out of the items on that list, so it's hard to say... I'm still holding out hope for some collaborators on this project ;)

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson over 16 years ago

Well after debuting the plugin to my team yesterday, after some heavy usage we realized it was pretty darn important to be able to link to actual issues and wiki pages and the like. So I've added that functionality in... just a note in case anyone was waiting for it! Check out the latest code on github.

oooooo_textile.tiff (117 KB) oooooo_textile.tiff New screenshot.

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Scott Schulz over 16 years ago

Very nice. Is there a plugin yet which sends ticket status change notifications to Twitter yet? Or does this do that as well?

RE: RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Scott Schulz over 16 years ago

Never mind, sorry... I missed the whole '-like' part of this.

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Chris Comella over 16 years ago

Looking good, Brian. Hat tip :) -Chris

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Jens Goldhammer almost 16 years ago

Are there any plans for providing a plugin for this cool feature??


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

Jens Goldhammer wrote:

Are there any plans for providing a plugin for this cool feature??

Brian Terlson has shared / is maintaining the plugin on it's Github page.
There are atm several forks of it also (which Brian has taken some changes of)...


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Nanda P almost 16 years ago


Thank you for a slick plugin! its really cool.

I installed in our Test server, Its working fine, but for some reason, I am getting translation missing: en, redmine_status_developer_status message. attached a screen shot.

!RedMine_Status updates.jpg!

Here is my environment:

C:\Program Files\redmine\current>ruby script\about
About your application's environment
Ruby version              1.8.6 (i386-mswin32)
RubyGems version          1.3.1
Rails version             2.2.2
Active Record version     2.2.2
Action Pack version       2.2.2
Active Resource version   2.2.2
Action Mailer version     2.2.2
Active Support version    2.2.2
Application root          C:/Program Files/redmine/current
Environment               development
Database adapter          mysql
Database schema version   20090503121510

About your Redmine plugins
Redmine Issues Group plugin          0.1.1
Bulk Time Entry                      0.3.0
Redmine Graphs plugin                0.1.0
Charts Plugin                        0.0.12
ezFAQ plugin                         0.3.3
Redmine System Notification plugin   0.2.0
Redmine Task Board plugin            1.0.0
Redmine Status Updates               0.1.1
Redmine Blogs plugin                 0.0.4
Redmine Hudson plugin                0.1.0
Timesheet Plugin                     0.5.0
Redmine Exception Handler plugin     0.2.0
Stuff To Do Plugin                   0.3.0
Redmine Question plugin              0.3.0

I even copied en.yml file into "\vendor\plugins\redmine_status\config\locales\" folder. getting the same message. waiting for a solution to promote it to PROD.

Thanks in Advance

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

Nanda Palaniswamy wrote:

I installed in our Test server, Its working fine, but for some reason, I am getting translation missing: en, redmine_status_developer_status message.

I can confirm this behaviour with the latest version of the plugin which Brian has available on GitHub. Seems that the I18N-developments by Eric Davis aren't bug-free/complete...



RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson almost 16 years ago

I'm in the home stretch of getting a big project out the door, so I can't look at it now. I will take a look at this this week or next, though, assuming Eric Davis can't figure out the issue before then. I'll ping him on Github to be sure he's aware of the issue.

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Eric Davis almost 16 years ago

The translations where not setup for Redmine trunk, only the 0.8.x branch. I've fixed them in my fork ( and sent the code to Brian.


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson almost 16 years ago

I've pulled the changes in as well. Thanks a ton, Eric, you rock!

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Mischa The Evil almost 16 years ago

Great work guys...

Thanks for the support... ;-)

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Nanda P almost 16 years ago

I pulled the latest from github & it is working fine. :)

Thank you very much Eric, Brian & Mischa!!!

Missing Template? - Added by Skaag Argonius over 15 years ago

I get this error from this plugin:

ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template status_mailer/realtime_notification.erb in view path /var/www/rails_apps/redmine/vendor/plugins/stuff_to_do_plugin/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_subtasks/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_status/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/vendor/plugins/redmine_ezlibrarian/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/vendor/plugins/ezfaq/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/app/views:/var/www/rails_apps/redmine/app/views:):

Known issue? Or just a local problem on my system?

Here are the files I do have in the status_mailer/ directory:


RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Michael Lednev over 15 years ago

I can confirm error about missing status_mailer/realtime_notification.erb

RE: Plugin: Twitter-like status updates for projects - Added by Brian Terlson over 15 years ago

I'm spending my Saturday figuring this issue out, so hopefully it's fruitful. Sorry about the delay. Summer in Minnesota means spending time "Up North" relaxing and such whenever possible :)
